
Add Bot

Terms of Services

Last Update: 03/06/2023 🆕️

Introduction to Stax Community

⊳ We are Stax Community, a community where you can get your own Custom Bot with any features you want. Kiyomi is music-pupose bot which has been created by a member of our Management Team D_D_K, on May 5th, 2023 under the Stax Community Project. For more info Join Kiyomi's support server.

Legal Age

⊳ You may not use Kiyomi or any of Kiyomi's services if you're under the legal age (13 Years) to use Discord. If caught being underaged, We have full rights to ban you from our bot and services and your account will be reported to Discord's Safety Team.

Proper Usage

⊳ You may not abuse* (Spamming errors, Trying to Break bot by continued use of Bugged Commands in a open/closed channel) Kiyomi or any of Kiyomi's services in any shape or form. This will result in a lifetime ban from using Bot, if caught.


⊳ You may not use Kiyomi or any of its Services for any unauthorised acts, or any act (such as Selling and Buying of NSFW content through out bot or services) that is against Discord's Terms of Service. If you are caught doing any such acts, We have full rights to Ban you from using our Services and reporting your account to Discord's Safety Team.

Changes to Privacy Policy and ToS

⊳ You may know that, We have all the rights to change our Privacy Policy and ToS at anytime, without any prior notice to any server or user. You may request for your Data deletion by opening a ticket in our Official Support Server or sent a requesting e-mail to the following email address, if you don't want to comply with our Privacy Policy and ToS.

Intellectual Property

⊳ Kiyomi and its Services are part of Stax Community. Kiyomi has been developed as a Stax Community Project. All of its services are Copyrights and Intellectual Properties of Kiyomi Bot Developer Team. Trying to Declare these Services as your own will result in a lifetime ban from our services and your account will be reported to Discord under the act of Fraud.